Canvas Prints

What is a canvas print?

Canvas prints are photos or images digitally printed on artist canvas. A canvas print is then typically stretched over a frame. Low quality services often use pre-made plastic frames. Mid-range canvas prints have pre-made wooden frames. WizardPrints creates hand-made wooden frames in house, cut to the length you specify, assembled with permanent wood glue. We produce top quality canvas prints any size—at low prices.

Upload and print photos on canvas

Upload and print on canvas in seconds. Preview canvas print quality based on your photo's resolution to ensure the printed image is as sharp as you like. Select any size you want—there are no preset size limitations, since we make your canvas print frame by hand—and place your order in seconds.

Print canvas any size

Don't settle for low quality. Other services force you to choose preset sizes for your canvas prints to fit a cheap, pre-made frame—and they often cost more. Our canvas prints are hand-stretched over a custom built wooden canvas frame, at any size you choose. All canvas prints are produced and assembled in the USA.

Gallery-wrapped canvas prints

What is a gallery-wrapped canvas? A gallery wrap is when the print is stretched over a frame, allowing the canvas to be seen on all four sides. No picture frame or matboard covers the print. This is a functional and stylish way to present art and photos in your home, office, or art gallery.

Framed canvas prints

Upload a photo, print on artist canvas, choose a size, and select a wooden frame moulding and mat board border of your choice. Your canvas print will be printed and framed by hand at your specified dimensions. Optionally add an acrylic sheet over the canvas print. Your canvas print and picture frame will be constructed and shipped via ground delivery service.

Order canvas prints online

Print your photos to canvas today! We invite you to compare our prices to local services in your area.

Upload and print on canvas